Be Your Own Boss
The WorldwideFund,Trading & Asset ManagemenT Company
To be your own boss, you have to come out of the mind-set which leads to poverty and helplessness. Accept the fact that the primary and ultimate truth of today's commercial world is- wealth-prosperity-money. Every individual is unique. Every person has the right to become rich but due to ignorance and confusion, people start doing jobs for others, investing their time, energy and talent to enrich others. Living their life according to the wish, will and mercy of others. Achieving prosperity is not a matter of luck, nor it is necessary to work hard with sweat and blood. Earning money is an art, a technique. If there is only willpower and the right practical guidance then life can be changed right now.
The world economy does not depend on any one company or one institution. It depends on natural resources like metals gold, silver, crude oil, natural gas etc., which are an important part of every person's life. Maharishi Aazaad understands the truth and that's why he works only on the basic factors of the world economy. Instead of working for an individual organization or company, one should work on the basic needs and commodities of global life to be his or her own boss.
We are in the best time in history. , One click or touch of a computer and mobile can open the way to prosperity. Maharishi Aazaad's unique public welfare mission to create wealth for yourself and by yourself is a life-changing phenomenon through which thousands of people from different parts of the world are directly getting the benefit of Maharishi Aazaad's experience and knowledge. Maharishi Aazaad's basic mantra is ‘App Deepo Bhava:’ Be your own light …Create Wealth and Be Your Own Boss. Be powerful and be self-sufficient. But how? Maharishi Aazaad is Guiding Thousands of Courageous Potential Billionaires.
Maharishi Aazaad The International Ambassador Of Sanskrit is an rare of the rarest creative genius who has created the first mainstream Sanskrit movie in the world AHAM BRAHMASMI to project, protect and promote Devbhasha Sanskrit. Maharishi is a staunch believer in ‘Vasudhaiv Kutumbakam’ (the whole world is my family). Maharishi is very much associated with our eternal thoughts and culture and spreading worldwide the very roots of Sanatan Dharma. He was awarded Sanskrit Shiromani, Sanskrit Mahanayak, Sanskrit Ratna, Sanskrit Bhushan and several other awards for his immense contribution to propagating Sanskrit and our divine culture globally. Maharishi is so devoted, dedicated and committed to Sanatan divine spiritualism that he even recited ‘Hanuman Chalisa’ on the streets of London and ‘Durga Saptshati’ in front of the famous Birmingham Palace.
Megastar Maharishi Aazaad is also the international ambassador of cultural nationalism. Maharishi Aazaad, a military school alumni who have also created a megamovie like Rashtraputra based on the life and times of the greatest revolutionary of the Indian freedom struggle Chandrashekhar Azad. Maharishi who is a combination of a creative, innovative heart and mind brought back Chandrashekhar Azad from the darkness of history and projected and presented the patriot with full grandeur on the silver screen. Maharishi Aazaad’s cinematic extravaganza Rashtraputra was screened at the world-famous Cannes film festival in France and the global audience was acquainted with the thoughts and philosophy of the forgotten hero Chandrashekhar Azad. This is his artistic tribute to the greatest revolutionary of the Indian freedom movement. During the creation of these timeless movies, Maharishi travelled to each part of our country to experience cultural unity among diversity. He also travelled abroad to spread our divinity through Sanskrit.
Maharishi is now sharing and applying his unique vision for wealth creation with the world through MAHARISHI CAPITAL.
Maharishi is known for his charismatic ambition that everybody in this universe should be self-sufficient economically so that they can live their individual life with liberty and dignity. Financial independence is the key factor for each human being to prosper. Maharishi Aazaad has done historical work in the direction of wealth creation using his amazing intelligence and understanding.
During the devastating period of COVID-19 and lockdown, Maharishi saw people dependent on and crying for money. The unfortunate pandemic had shown the importance of money and the priority of life. People even broke their life insurance coverage policy to survive. People were ready to sell their gold, their cars, and their houses, but there was no one to take them. Both seller and buyer were helpless. People are proud of their ancestorial property, farm barn, and land but for a job, they leave home, family, their near and dears and come thousands of kilometres away. They do a job of a watchman or waiter. Educated jobless youngsters from well-to-do families also compromise to do any futile job to survive and to avoid the taunts of society and relatives ...in the period of emergency only money works. Without money, everything, every relation, every emotion remains meaningless and the living entity goes away.
Peace, Happiness, Harmony, and Prosperity are the roots of humanity. Money is at the root of personal peace to world peace. All the nuisance is due to lack of money or for money. Talent blossoms in richness and talent fades in poverty. To live in full dignity like a human being in today's commercial world, commercial success is the root. Only a commercially strong person can do the welfare of the family, society and the world. Maharishi does not talks about money only but he talks about physical, mental and spiritual health-wealth which can only be achieved by money. Without money, a perfect, joyful, blissful life, happiness, pride and a holistic approach towards humanity cannot be achieved. Empty pockets and empty minds are a curse on humanity. There is only one mantra to stay physically and mentally fit – prosperity.
The heart of highly sensitive Maharishi was deeply moved by the sight and plight of this helpless situation created by the pandemic. The whole world was suffocating. In every country, people were dying an untimely death. The whole of humanity was in a mess. Even the rich countries of the world were facing adverse money situations. His fertile mind Started thinking about the idea of creating wealth and capital which a layman who does not know about the money-making system can execute easily. A probable common man who is wasting his time and energy on odd jobs.
After the end of the lockdown Maharishi travelled the length and breadth of India along with several countries of the world to understand the money-creating matters. He met a lot of people. Done comprehensive research work regarding the world economy. After a lot of study and research, Maharishi discovered his unique and all-time result-oriented technique. Maharishi Aazaad had taken a historical step in this direction and proved his thought and technic extremely fruitful.
Anything important or innovative is invented or discovered by an individual and then the whole of humanity get benefitted. The whole world benefitted after the invention of the electric bulb by Thomas Edison. That historic invention brought light to everyone's life. in our times many people from different walks of life and different backgrounds have benefited and continue to be benefitted from following the practical and easy-to-understand techniques discovered by Maharishi Aazaad in asset, fund management, trading and wealth creation. By adopting Maharishi's innovative ideas, thousands of people are becoming financially self-sufficient and self-dependent. With prosperity earned by themselves, for themselves, they are enjoying their life by being their own boss.
Everybody wants to do the welfare of his family, society, his country, and the world but welfare does not happen by wanting only. Capital has to be created for that. Maharishi stands by those potentially prosperous in every situation -in gain, in a loss, by body, mind, wealth and with expert guidance. Maharishi is taking all the responsibilities so that one can be his own boss. Only A financially strong person can uplift his family, society and country. Maharishi is continuously making the world prosperous. Maharishi believes that it is a coincidence that a person is born poor, but to live and die in poverty is injustice, a crime towards oneself. Maharishi Aazaad discovered constructive avenues from where money can flow easily.
According to Maharishi Aazaad, people of every age, every country, every society, every caste, creed and sex can generate capital for themselves sitting at home. Neither any specific condition, atmosphere, office nor office staff is required for this work. Any person sitting anywhere can earn money for himself only from his mobile or computer. Even a student can earn and create money by investing his pocket money. For this, there is a need for willpower and the expert guidance of Maharishi. Maharishi is ready to share his knowledge and experience free of cost. Maharishi Aazaad's wealth creation techniques and talent based on ancient Indian mathematical theory is a positive approach towards enriching the whole world. Maharishi Capital created and headed by Maharishi Aazaad is generating Capital by Investing Brain Power. MAHARISHI CAPITAL is dealing successfully with International Stock Trading, Funds, Assets, and Investments of the World.
India has given a lot to the world. For centuries every type of knowledge, from art to science, yoga, meditation and spirituality, the world has been enriched by our great sons and sages of India. In this journey, Maharishi is giving the most unique contribution to the world. The art and technique of making the world financially prosperous. THE ART OF BEING YOUR OWN BOSS. The science of being financially independent. Maharishi is showing the way to get the whole world's humanity out of poverty. Create wealth by yourself, for yourself.
Maharishi says that the one who has money should do trading himself and the one who does not have money should learn the specifics of trading and work for others. Maharishi himself is taking responsibility for the job.
Maharishi is guiding and directing the generations on how to Diligently and proficiently monitor market trends and analyse a wide range of commodities, including metals like gold, silver, copper etc., crude oil, natural gas, energy resources and more. Anyone who thinks practically can create capital with the experience achieved by Maharishi Aazaad. This is the selfless service to enrich humanity financially by non-other than Maharishi Aazaad.